If a catholic was to ask me "Are you a fellow Christian as myself?"
If a Muslim was to ask me "Are you a fellow Muslim as myself?"
If a Hindu was to ask me "Are you a fellow Hindu as myself?"
To all of those questions I'd have to answer "No, my fellow human creatures, I am not."
If a catholic was to ask me "Do you believe in God?"
If a Muslim was to ask me "Do you believe in
If a Hindu was to ask me "Do you believe in Buddha?"
"I most certainly do."
To everyone who's spent a second or two of his/her life wondering about the true meaning behind the subject of religion, I'm sure you've all come to the conclusion that despite each and every difference, all religions find foundations in a single soil: a supernatural entity that created and rules over everything that has come into existence since the beginning of times.
Well, I'm not different, therefore I too though about it and I too have come to the same conclusion: people do not follow a god that suits them but rather a religion that suits them. For me all religions are meaningless. They all talk about the same things only in different words. There's a 'heaven' and there's a 'hell'. Be good all you're life and live it according to what our books tell you to or you'll burn for all eternity...
If someone said that to my face I'd simply walk way for I'm not to be threatened or told how to live my life by someone that does not know me well enough to make such assumptions.
Being my knowledge of the world, of science, of life limited, I cannot go as far as I desired. We exist because we have a planet to inhabit, we have a planet to inhabit because of the Big Bang that created the universe,...then what? Another universe before ours? Nothing at all? Theories and more theories are all that we have. Therefore, the deus ex machina of this puzzle of mine must be, for the time being, and inexplicable entity.
I have no name to call it. Some people call it "God", some people call it "
Religion is just an excuse. An excuse to the downright irresponsibility of some and the downright greed of others. People get killed everyday in the name of religion and people get alienated and suffer on behalf of those beliefs.
It's quite hypocrite if you ask me. Every religious person spends great amounts of time praying to their god, assumingly. But if one of them was to kill another, and justify his actions by saying that "God" ordered him to do it, nobody would believe him. He'd be sent to jail and forgotten.
So, if I understand correctly, you try to talk with your god, but cannot believe that that same god will be able to talk to you? How's that for an interesting conversation?
But please do not misunderstand what I'm saying. I find every person that say he/she can hear God talking to be nothing but a loony.
All in all, people can and should believe in what ever the hell they wish to believe. Let's not question, criticize, analyze, quantify or described what cannot and should not.
Let's all just live our lives and let's all be righteous. Einstein knew it, and so should you.
1 comentário:
Ups! Hindus don't pray to Budha, they pray to a bunch of Gods which are unknown to me. Budhists belive in Budha, but not as a God, but as a man who, during is live, achieved Nirvana, permanent happiness, absolute knowledge. Budhism doesn't try to explain the universe or the meaning of life, they just say: nothing lasts forever, so don't value anything and then you'll be happy. Meditate and gain knowledge. So budhism doesn't belong to your group.
Good post though...
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